viernes, 16 de octubre de 2015


Long time ago I always complained about long time operations  without any feedback ( silly me, i didn't know about big companies volume ) and Suddenly a requirement appears. We have a screen that takes a loot of time to make some action and after reviewing we realize that the screen does a loooot of stuff  so I can't actually make that screen faster (may be I'm i keep looking) but en the meanwhile. And the worst part the user's are really hyperactive, what a nightmare they found how reduce the time . . . by closing the window  and reducing their time by well they didn't but you get it, so how make them realize that the screen is working. Simple

adding a progress bar

so where is the code:

APP_WINDOW.PROGRESS( 0,'First Message..... ');

/*Long time operation*/
APP_WINDOW.PROGRESS(.1,'Second Message..... ');
/*Long time operation*/ 
 APP_WINDOW.PROGRESS(.3,'Third Message..... ');

/*Long time operation*/ 
 APP_WINDOW.PROGRESS(.4,'YOU GET IT .... ');/*Long time operation*/ 

Has simple has that well why write this article if this is on the documentation  basically because on the documentation talks about closing when the parameter is greater than 99% but they didn't tell you that they move the percentage in a value between 0 and 1 so 50% equal to .5 .

So have fun.


domingo, 23 de agosto de 2015

Utilizando Variables alenta mi TOAD - Using bind variables in the Toad editor causes delays.

Para todos aquellos que utilizan Toad, tarde o temprano podrían comenzar a tener problemas de performance cada vez que llaman a una variable y esto es gracias a que la herramienta tiene la super habilidad de recordar la configuración y los  valores de la variables que has utilizado con anterioridad, y eso a mi en que me afecta se preguntaran.  Pues básicamente significa que que Toad Genera un archivo donde guarda toda la configuración de ta manera que toad puede recordar a todas tus variables. Pero todo tiene un precio. y en este caso el precio si ejecutas un script muy grande, con muchas variables ( de esos que te gusta solo darle enter cada que sale una variable )  toad comienza a agregar a ese archivo toda la informacion.

La Solución:

Cierra Toad y deja de usarlo :( . . .  Naaaaah solo bromeo.

Ve a tu folder de Usuario:

en mi caso:

C:\Users\Javier\AppData\Roaming\Quest Software\Toad for Oracle\10.0\User Files

Una vez ahí

Renombra(Solo si de verdad pero de verdad necesitas utilizar esas variables despues) / Borra el archivo variables.dat.

Inicia Toad de nuevo.

Espero que te ayude.

For all of those who use toad, sooner or later may start having issues with the performance of the bind variables and it's thanks to the super ability of your tool to remember the settings of your bind variables, and what does it means. Basically toad generates a file where it saves all those setting so it can remember when you call that same variable again and again. but if has a price if you run a large script with many variables it starts appending to that file.

 The solution :

Close Toad and stop using it :(  . . .  just kidding.

go to your user folder:

Mine by example

C:\Users\Javier\AppData\Roaming\Quest Software\Toad for Oracle\10.0\User Files

Once there

rename(If you really  but seriously really need those values for later)/ remove the variables.dat file.

Start Toad Again.

Hope it helps.